Dyslexic and horny
Often confused, Dyslexic and horny
Don’t do lines, for I find them corny
Flirting is talking with a little attraction
Ladies are lovely, drive a mind to distraction.
Genetically programmed, love’s an illusion
Scrambled silly signals and constant confusion
Drive me to the brink, but make me buzz gently
Floating on life, warm heat beats they sooth me.
I’ve said it before that ladies are lovely
I’ll say it again, it’s great when they hug me
They are the masters, and I am the slave
I can’t overcome them, no need to be brave.
Some call it justice, that they have control
I know it’s the right way as it throbs in my soul
Warmth pulses through me, my head and my veins
‘Cause ladies are lovely, so I’ll say it again.