Darkness Pigeon
Darkness pigeon was her name, darkness pigeon wasn't like any other. She turned up one day, out of the blue, out of the black. She was my favourite. Eyes white rings, etched into a statue of a dying bird.
Only here for less than a week. My darkness. Our darkness, not mine alone. I don't know who else noticed her. Nor do I know she was female. Upon reflection, in my heart, she was.
This morning I did not see her upon rooftop or table, grounded, head tucked. Away, way from the world waiting for its end. My darkness, I did not see her.
Then, a shadow in the drain. Face up, spread eagled, head turned inward. Graceful, no, not grace. Common majesty. My beautiful darkness. How to feel? A bird I ne'er did own. Days past she arrived, not long was she here 'fore she was gone. An eternal blip burned or sketched, 'haps chiseled, into my mind's heart forever. A little bit of her within me. She was beautiful. I said a prayer, offered a blessing. Sent her onward. My darkness pigeon. Goodbye and God bless. Onwards and upwards. Fare thee well darkest dove. 'Ever my darkness, 'ever my love.
posted by rantomon @ 5:06 am