February 03, 2014


One mans despot is another mans friend
But with despots the truth, will out in the end

Some require camouflage, others opt to bribe
They buy the affections of the folk left alive

Hitler was a patriot, of that some were sure
The weak they loved to follow him, all warm and secure

while the bodies of the enemy were rendered for soap
they say they got what they deserved, why didn't they elope

For Hebrews were the enemies, and were not wanted there
Smoke bellowed from the chimneys, the stench of death in air

They killed our messiah and they hoarded all the wealth
But now each one must wear a star, we took away their stealth

Now we can spot them coming, we can focus all our scorn
And charge them all with crimes committed long before they're born

They're not human beings, each and everyone the same
It's us who are the master race and them who bear the shame

We hunt them down like animals, imprison and en-cage
it's great to have a focus for our anger and our rage

For that is human nature and has been so from times dawn
We're galvanised with hatred and our spite it keeps us warm

And some will stand this very day and deny third Reich crimes
They say six million is a lie and all but them are blind

They claim that not a million fell so that makes it OK
they justify their hatred whilst they claim the night as day

They cite a Jew conspiracy deep in the seats of power
anything to justify, the views they have so sour

If decent folk can't learn from them, the way we should not be
Then we're condemned to circulate and repeat history

It's not all hippy peace and love, just some common sense
So try to learn from past mistakes or face death with regrets

We all have brains we can engage so don't let despots twist
our minds are ours and thoughts are free so treat it as a gift.

Don't let the bastards grind you down and turn you into them

for you'll know deep down in your heart that hatred has no friends.


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