April 22, 2012


Despite the way my happy heart hums she does not feel the same
Despite the fact she bangs my drum, I don’t bang hers, a shame
A shame I’m sure she’ll spit me out when flavour it is done
And I’ll be out down on my ass, daft, ashamed and shunned

 All silky words and turn of phrase alone can’t win her heart
The day will come when it’s no more and dreams are ripped apart
More pragmatic than negative a simple turn of fact
And I shall learn to limp along, Improvise, Overcome, Adapt

What is it that keeps me here? A love of all good things
To bask and roll and lye about with all the joy it brings
To have her essence next to me and wake next day refreshed
To see the sunshine once again and relish every breath

 That’s you my girl, but not my own I cannot covert you
As much I’d like to call this love, it simply isn’t true
I cannot leave this path right now that leads to certain pain
As you’re in me like angle dust pulsating through my veins

Addictive much? Fuckin’ sure and more than you could know
Within me lies intensity, it’s you who sparked this glow
My word you’re really something else, an angel on this earth
Modest, sexy, heavenly I can’t describe your worth

So I’ll conclude it’s all just fun, best not good to get too close
If one sails careless to the sun a soul can end up toast
But when the sun is so alluring, fills myself with thoughts assuring
 Pain’s a virtue, life’s less boring. I doubt I’ll ever learn...

 I don’t regret a thing


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