April 16, 2012

That's why Mums go to Iceland...

Have just been to Iceland (the shop, not the home of that disruptive volcano and QPR's Icelandic football veteran Heiðar Helguson). The lady at the checkout was chatting away to the couple in front of me as she cheerfully scanned there purchases through the till,

"Any holidays planned"? they asked her

"funny you should ask that, actually I'm going to Ibiza, But not the party part of Ibiza" She hastened to add..

... the conversation went on and eventually It was my turn to have my purchases scanned.. My turn to shine... My turn to unleash the famous Pistol Bullet™© charm..

And so I said

"Ibiza is lovely, plenty of sun"

To which, rather then reply, she looked at me as If I had just said -

"Your vagina is particularly rancid today, I could smell it all the way over by the cheese Isle and there are some pretty funky cheeses on those mother-fuckin' shelves. Sort yourself out bitch, I think I'm gonna vomit".

Strange reaction I thought...


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